Posts Tagged ‘Newsletter’

4th RegGov Newsletter: Regional Governance of Sustainable Integrated Development of Deprived Urban Areas

The RegGov project has published its 4th-reggov-newsletter. The fourth issue of the RegGov newsletter focuses on the core work within the RegGov project. The first three of four cluster meetings with defined topics have already taken place. Therefore, RegGov partners involved in the accordant clusters contribute their impressions of the meetings and give a brief […]

By URBACT, on July 1st, 2010 at 16:38

WEED Newsletter!

The WEED project has just published it second newsletter. WEED is a thematic network of nine cities which aims to capitalize knowledge and practice around the participation of women on the labour market and entrepreneurship development. It is based on the premise that local government can play an important role in transforming positively their social […]

By URBACT, on November 19th, 2009 at 19:34