Posts Tagged ‘playground’

Child Friendly City – A City for All

Do you want to be a child-friendly city? Just take the children in your city seriously and think of their families, older friends, and neighbours while you are planning, designing, and organizing the maintenance of outdoor space for play – and you will get a city that is friendly to everyone. 1.     Remember, once we […]

By Maja Simoneti, on January 26th, 2018 at 17:29

How residents are opening up the city for children to play: “We decided to try to change things. Starting with our own street…”

Back in 2009, two mothers in Bristol (UK) were concerned about their children’s lack of freedom to play out in their own neighbourhood, to get daily exercise and make friends in the community. Since their own childhood in the 1970s, the urban environment had changed and children were no longer a day-to-day presence playing in […]

By Alice Ferguson, on September 5th, 2017 at 09:00

Play in the city: the spaces of spontaneous (or ‘pick-up’) basketball games

Phil Jackson, perhaps the greatest coach in basketball’s history, describes the perfect game as when players ‘do without thinking’. As with many sports and activities, true joy comes from the flow of action and reaction, as players engage in the dance of what we call ‘pick-up’ basketball. When I find myself in a new city […]

By Mark Ball, on November 24th, 2015 at 18:16