Posts Tagged ‘temporary use’

11 Unusual places reviving thanks to URBACT and the 2nd Chance Network

Discover spaces and brownfields of the 11 partner cities of the 2nd Chance Network, as well as ideas and good practices for the sustainable reuse of emblematic places of urban development. All these were at the core of the Integrated Action Plans presented by partner cities in Naples (IT) during the Network’s final conference. Walking […]

By Simone D'Antonio, on June 21st, 2018 at 17:41

6 recommendations for cities that aim to join an URBACT Transfer Network

The call for the creation of URBACT Transfer Networks is open until 10 January 2018. The objective of these networks is the adaptation and transfer of URBACT labelled Good Practices to other municipalities that have similar challenges, but less experience. Some questions may arise to the city wishing to apply: What does the Good Practice […]

By Heike Mages, on October 25th, 2017 at 13:27

Cities investing in heritage and everyday culture in Greece and Cyprus: turning citizens in active participants rather than passive viewers

By browsing through the 97 URBACT Good Practice cities one can notice that culture and heritage are given a central role in several of them, e.g. Lisbon is implementing a strategy in order to protect historic shops, Malaga is turning a downgraded central area in a creative district, in Budapest Ujbuda residents are the ones […]

By Nicholas Karachalis, on October 24th, 2017 at 10:24

17 hacks to make the most of public property in your city

A quarter of Europe’s population lives in small and medium-sized towns and cities. Hiding away in these places is a wealth of untapped potential – including public buildings and land. In times of budget cuts, this public property can be used to steer urban development, with positive benefits for the city as a whole. Drawing […]

By Petra Očkerl, on September 21st, 2017 at 17:34