Thematic workshop in Romania: Creative Clusters “Diversifying Local Economic Base and Opportunities to Young People”


By URBACT, on October 28th, 2009

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logo-creativeThe thematic workshop Creative Clusters: diversifying local economic base and opportunities to young people will take place in Mizil, Romania (October 29-30, 2009), in the ambit of the URBACT Network “Creative Clusters in Low Density Urban Areas” that reunites 10 cities from all over Europe, in which Óbidos is the Lead Partner.

This event will be the first of a series of Thematic Workshops that will be organised during the next 2 years centred on the other themes addressed by the network: events and cultural agendas as catalysts; promoting the creative city: a new range of facilities and infrastructures; creative entrepreneurs and talented people: attraction and retaining; setting the basis: creative education environments at local levels.

Aside from the symposium, the signature of the Óbidos Charter – A Pact for Creativity by an additional number of Romanian councilmen who have become associated to the movement and objectives of the network will be an important moment of the event.
We recall that in the Óbidos Charter strategic orientations were defined and an action plan was put in place in what concerns the promotion of creativity in public policies at a European, regional and local level.

David Vieira

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