Archives for 2010

6th RegGov Newsletter

The sixth newsletter is published by the RegGov project in time before the year 2010 is over. This edition of the newsletter starts with a comprehensive insight to the URBACT Annual Conference 2010 in Liége (BE) where the RegGov network was actively involved. The newsletter includes several reports elaborated by our partners about implemented project […]

By URBACT, on December 30th, 2010 at 13:04

Back from the URBACT Annual Conference in Liege

We have just returned from the URBACT Annual Conference, strengthened in our conviction that combining transnational discussions with the local impact that URBACT II develops is working better and better. We experienced a warm and effective welcome in Liege; discussions were rich and high in quality. Here, I will review the results of the URBACT […]

By URBACT, on December 14th, 2010 at 17:46

Attracting and retaining creative talent in medium-sized towns. The strategy in Barnsley, UK

Attracting and retaining creative talent in Barnsley (partner in the URBACT project Creative Clusters in Low Density Areas) is set against a backdrop of a deprived post-mining economyt, with a small but emerging creative sector. Located inside the triangle Manchester-Sheffield-Leeds, in Northern England, regeneration investment in Barnsley has provided key venues for culture and creative […]

By URBACT, on November 25th, 2010 at 18:00

Participation – necessary, complex and fun

Participation is a key element in all modern Urban Development Strategies. Just asking people to vote a local council every four or five years is no longer good enough. People want to have a say in all aspects concerning their neighbourhood from school to traffic and new buildings. Older models of  participation like Arnstein’s “Ladder […]

By URBACT, on November 16th, 2010 at 16:15

How good are the energy certification “good guys”

While many member states have introduced energy standards to be respected for new (particularly residential) construction in recent years, since 2003 the EU has added an extra stimulus to this process promoting adoption of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).  Recast in 2009 to strengthen commitment on this issue, the Directive incites the adoption […]

By URBACT, on November 9th, 2010 at 14:40

Graz City Guide on iPHONE : Urban touch – The Modern way of sightseeing

The city of Graz , city partner in HerO URBACT project, now offers visitors the opportunity to explore the modernity and cultural historic flair of the city in an innovative and playful way, making use of the newest iPhone application “Urban Touch – Graz City Guide on iPhone”. Within seconds the Urban Touch provides useful […]

By URBACT, on November 2nd, 2010 at 15:25

Green Paper on Cultural & Creative Industries: a lost opportunity?

The public consultation period about the Green Paper on Cultural & Creative Industries [“Unlocking the Potential of Cultural and Creative Industries”] made by DG Education and Culture was over last Summer. It is clear that Paper comes a bit late, when many EU cities and regions are displaying strategic visions and specific agendas in promoting […]

By URBACT, on October 26th, 2010 at 16:54

Women – not just a ‘good weather policy’

The 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion included as a principle the need to address gender inequalities in the risks of poverty and policy responses.  This is an important principle when the gender pay gap together with inequalities in employment opportunities and slow changing roles in the family in parts of Europe […]

By URBACT, on October 18th, 2010 at 14:15

“Hyper-active” travel in London

Following developments in Paris, Brussels and other EU cities, London introduced a Cycle Hire scheme on the 30th of July 2010. After 10 weeks of operation the system has already welcomed its millionth passenger and while the scale of the operation cannot yet match the Parisian experience (20,600 bikes available) up until now it has […]

By URBACT, on October 15th, 2010 at 09:49

Roma on the “European agenda”

When a Government chooses to target people on the basis of ethnicity the actions encourage further discrimination and aggravate the already complex issue of Roma exclusion.  The recent declarations and actions of President Sarkozy to expel significant numbers of Roma people from France is not a demonstration of strong Government and is clearly at odds […]

By URBACT, on September 8th, 2010 at 17:38