The RegGov project has published its second RegGov Newsletter ( 2nd-reggov-newsletter1 ). This Newsletter informs briefly on two implemented network seminars – the 2nd Thematic Seminar in Nijmegen (Netherlands) and the Joint Seminar for Managing Authorities and the European Commission in Budapest (Hungary). Afterwards an article about the project “NRW Fit for Europe” presents as a practice example how North Rhine-Westphalia has implemented URBACT & EU dissemination and exchange on the regional level. Then an article of local experiences deals with the regeneration process of the “Kaufhaus” neighbourhood in Ruda Slaska (Poland). Two further contributions of our RegGov partners Södertälje (Sweden) and Siracusa (Italy) describe their practical experiences relating to the work with their Local Support Group and the development of a Local Action Plan. At the end, the newsletter closures with some interesting news.
Dominik Erbelding
RegGov Communication Officer