4th RegGov Newsletter: Regional Governance of Sustainable Integrated Development of Deprived Urban Areas


By URBACT, on July 1st, 2010

> Read URBACT's articles

The RegGov project has published its 4th-reggov-newsletter. The fourth issue of the RegGov newsletter focuses on the core work within the RegGov project. The first three of four cluster meetings with defined topics have already taken place. Therefore, RegGov partners involved in the accordant clusters contribute their impressions of the meetings and give a brief overview on the two-day meetings with their contents and discussions. Each of the RegGov cluster meetings followed a Local Support Group meeting (LSG) which the Lead Partner Brigitte Grandt and Petra Potz, the Lead Expert, attended. As result of the LSG meetings, an article within this newsletter describes the processes of participation in integrated neighbourhood development, directly from the local level. One further highlight of the newsletter is the article on the integrated urban development plan of the city of Satu Mare which represents a good practice example of the RegGov network. At the end, the newsletter closures with interesting news related to the RegGov network.

Dominik Erbelding
RegGov Communication Officer

One Response to “4th RegGov Newsletter: Regional Governance of Sustainable Integrated Development of Deprived Urban Areas”

  1. Emo Girls says:

    I lived there. great place.

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