Bilbao City Hall, partner in OPENCities URBACT project, has been named the inaugural Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize Laureate in recognition of its integrated and holistic approach to urban transformation. Bilbao’s success is founded on visionary leadership, commitment to long-term planning, strong processes and supporting infrastructure.
Jointly co-organised by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), Singapore’s land-use planning and conservation authority, and the Centre for Liveable Cities, the biennial international Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize seeks to generate positive social, economic and environmental impact in cities around the world. It provides a platform to highlight and celebrate urban solutions and to spur further innovation in the area of sustainable urban development and city excellence.
The award focuses on the four key pillars of liveability, vibrancy, sustainability, and quality of life, which are instrumental to the success of every city and its quality of urban life. These qualities were evidently demonstrated in Bilbao’s radical transformation from a post-industrial city to a vibrant metropolis. The 78 worldwide nominations for the Prize were carefully considered through a rigorous two-tier process comprising a Nominating Committee and a Prize Council. Both jury panels were particularly impressed with what Bilbao had achieved, through a chronological and systematic order of development over a period of 25 years that was both well-integrated and skilfully executed.
[…] frutos se pone como ejemplo a Barcelona que aporta su experiencia con los mercados municipales, a Bilbao, en reconocimiento a su inteligente enfoque de la transformación urbana ,así […]