6th RegGov Newsletter


By URBACT, on December 30th, 2010

> Read URBACT's articles

The sixth newsletter is published by the RegGov project in time before the year 2010 is over. This edition of the newsletter starts with a comprehensive insight to the URBACT Annual Conference 2010 in Liége (BE) where the RegGov network was actively involved. The newsletter includes several reports elaborated by our partners about implemented project activities such as the Third Thematic Seminar in Romania and Hungary in October 2010 and two Thematic Cluster meetings in which they describe their impressions and the contents of the meetings. On the topic of “Roma Integration”, an additional contribution summarises a workshop carried out for the North Rhine-Westphalian cities in October 2010 where the current state of play and perspectives were discussed. The newsletter closes with additional news and announcements of the RegGov network.

Read the Newsletter!

Dominik Erbelding
RegGov Communication Officer

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