In the recent increase for demand of technology we often forget the main reason why we invest and develop new technological solutions. The social dimension, the problem-solving dimension, takes a back seat when facing the enthusiasm of the recent creations. The “gadget lifestyle” could improve the economy, but doesn’t solve any of the major challenges of humanity. Why? Maybe because it’s not an answer to any real need of humanity. It’s simply more of the many things we already have.
Cities are made of people. We all know that, even though so many specialists are still selling this fact as solution for cities facing the future. The dimension of our territories, more closure to the measure of mankind, makes this speech obvious and a little redundant. Rather than creating more technology, our goal is to find new purposes, new objectives, real answers and then, use the necessary tools and integrate them with other dimensions of public policies.
The case of Jyväskyla, city partner in URBACT Creative Clusters project, is an example in this mater. Searching, thinking and creating innovative and public policies that involve all the local actors and balance the economy, culture, education, social support, is the overall purpose of this city to create a well being community. That’s why the Human Technology upgrading to a Human Solutions city, where technology is just a part of the solution.
Miguel Silvestre
Creative Clusters Lead Partner