Call for evidence – More Jobs, Better Cities


By URBACT, on May 14th, 2012

> Read URBACT's articles

Europe needs a return to economic growth. To achieve our goal we need more economically successful cities as well as more, and better, jobs for their citizens. Why? Because well over a quarter (29%) of Europeans live in cities of more than 100,000 people and over two thirds ( 67%) live in cities and towns of up to 100,000. We will only achieve growth and jobs in Europe if our cities secure growth and jobs.

But where will the new jobs in cities come from? How well prepared are our citizens to get and keep these jobs? What are the opportunities and threats? Most important of all, what can cities actually practically do to support jobs growth and to support their citizens’ chances of getting a job, keeping a job and getting a better one?

This workstream of the URBACT Capitalisation process aims to learn the lessons, both from the 300 URBACT cities and their networks, and from across the world. It will develop practical ideas, advice and recommendations to support Europe’s cities in their quest for ‘More Jobs – Better Cities’. What can cities do to get more successful results from their actions? In an age of austerity, how can they best help to grow their economies and achieve job-rich growth?

It also aims to inform the urban dimension of the 2014-20 European Union Cohesion Policy (Investing in Growth and Jobs) within the framework of the Europe 2020 Growth agenda, and to help cities prepare for the new regulations and financial instruments. Our draft findings will be based upon URBACT materials; the experience of a core group of experts and practitioners; the literature; and a series of evidence hearings. They will be presented and then discussed with you at the URBACT Annual conference in Copenhagen on 3 and 4 December and published early in 2013.


BUT we need your help NOW! We want to hear from you: your thoughts, your experiences (both good and bad), of trying to help create more jobs in YOUR city! This is an important part of the evidence on which we need to draw if we are to learn from each other what we should, and should not, do! So, please send us your views: A single page or short email will do, or you can send us existing documents / material or just links to material on the web. Whatever works for you. The important thing is that we hear from you and you share your experience with us so as to inform our work. We are particularly interested in hearing about innovative approaches and experiments. Please reply to by FRIDAY 29 JUNE. Many thanks. Follow us on Twitter. Look for the hashtag: #morejobsforbettercities and soon we will have our own account: @Jobsforcities

Alison Partridge,
Coordinator: More Jobs: Better Cities


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