Call For Evidence – Building Energy Efficiency


By URBACT, on June 1st, 2012

> Read URBACT's articles

The building sector accounts for 40% of the total energy use and for 36% of Europe’s CO2 emissions. It generates 9% of the total EU 27 GDP and 8 % of the total employment. Since the EU aims at reductions in domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 80% by 2050 (compared to 1990 level), the building stock – in particular the housing sector –  can play a major role in achieving the 20-20-20 strategic targets.
The URBACT workstream on “Building energy efficiency”, set up for exploring how cities can contribute to energy efficiency, will try to address the above challenges and will deal with the manifold aspects of reducing energy footprint in the buildings sector, with specific focus on the housing sector as its most representative and sensitive component.

Professionals, research centers, public authorities, associations, and individuals are invited to submit their contributions- good practices, case studies, suggestions, ideas and dreams- about an energy efficient (and high quality) housing sector. Innovative practices will be published in the URBACT Tribune 2012 and will be discussed during the URBACT Annual conference in Copenhagen December 3-4, 2012.

If you wish to share your point of view please contact me:

Antonio Borghi
Coordinator of Workstream “Building Energy Efficiency”

3 Responses to “Call For Evidence – Building Energy Efficiency”

  1. MARCO POZZO says:

    The 6th workstream BLOG is on-line.

  2. Municipalities should improve the awareness of citizens about energy issues with public stages and sessions, together with associations and professionals, for a better use of energy. On the other hand, contractors and professionals should increase their own skills in “green economy” and sustainable building. Brindisi, a 90-thousands inhabitants city in the south of Italy, is involved in URBACT “CASH” network to improve the energy efficiency in social housing and to deal with the incoming fuel poverty. At lower latitudes, people still don’t feel the energy issues as much strategic as they are for the future of our next generations. So, “feet on the ground, head in the sky” and keep your eyes open on URBACT calls and european networks outputs. 😉

  3. Jose Ospina says:

    NEES Project opens Call for Best Practises in Natural Energy Efficiency and Sustainability:
    The Natural Energy Efficiency and Sustainability (NEES) Project is launching an open Call for producers, manufacturers and service providers to complete a Survey of their products and services that enhance energy efficiency in buildings. The Survey should be completed online, on the NEES web site (
    Submission are sought from enterprises producing or installing locally produced ‘natural’ products, or providing services that improve the energy efficiency of new and existing domestic buildings. The term “natural” covers both renewable and recycled materials, such as timber from renewable forests, hemp and lime, straw bales and recycled paper. The eligible services span a wide range, stretching from timber-frame and bioclimatic design, to energy and sustainability assessments, and training that encourages change in local behaviour.
    The 1st Call is open, on-line, from June 1st to July 31st of this year. Online submissions are invited from all product growers, producers and manufacturers, and from service providers that work with these products. Enterprises or practises must be based or have significant operations the Northern Periphery Programme area. This Programme area includes the west coast of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, the Northern part of Scandinavia and Greenland. A map of the Region and full details on eligibility can be found on the NEES website at, under the heading About NEES.
    Submissions are made by completing a simple on-line “pre-qualification questionnaire” which will establish the eligibility of the enterprise. Eligible applicants will then be asked to complete a more detailed Full Questionnaire. The results will be analysed and evaluated by an Expert Panel made up of recognised experts from the different partner regions, who will determine on the basis of an agreed criteria, which ones constitute Best Practise.
    The Partnership will then select a number of products and services to use as Case Studies in the development of the Project. A range of supporting materials, training packages and marketing initiatives will be developed with selected enterprises, and they will be promoted throughout the NPP region and Europe. The Project intends to have two further Calls for Best Practices in 2013 and in 2014.
    The NEES project was first conceived at the Cork Centre for Architectural Education: an architectural school and research centre formed by University College Cork and the Cork Institute of Technology.

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