With 19 brand new projects including Sustainable food in urban communities, URBACT is used to mobilize cities on the reduction of urban carbon footprint. Longer URBACT projects are exchanging good practices in two major sectors: Transport (find out about EVUE and ATN news – respectively on electro vehicles and soft ways of transportation) and building (see our CASH project on sustainable housing).
There is another key parameter to consider when it comes to reach climate objectives: how much citizens feel committed to build energy efficiency at local level. As beneficiaries they have the legitimacy to be involved in the reduction of their city’s carbon footprint. Find out more about this brilliant initiative to ENGAGE citizens!
Be part of the first 150 ENGAGE cities in Europe!
Cities and supported by Intelligent Energy Europe, which is open to European local authorities. The aim is to involve citizens in an innovative and participative approach to reach energy and climate objectives.
Concretely, cities would use this initiative as a communication tool to share their energy and climate objectives locally. Indeed, this campaign commits all citizens and stakeholders to make personal energy-saving pledges and therefore contribute to the cities’ own energy and climate targets
Be the next ENGAGE city!
Thanks to a user-friendly online tool, ENGAGE cities can create participant posters. Showcasing the pledges of every participant demonstrates the power of combined energy-saving actions. The objective is also to develop efficient local communications campaigns which lead to tangible energy savings via the monitoring of participants’ energy consumption.
Already 50 European cities, including a majority of Covenant of Mayors signatories, are creating their local ENGAGE campaign and have produced 4,000 posters! Creative posters help promoting the contributions of individual citizens, while also attracting the attention of stakeholders and citizens from across your city. Joining is free the first year for the first 150 cities!
Develop a participative local communications campaign!
What do you need to prepare a local ENGAGE campaign? A local PR campaign enables to get lots of stakeholders involved quickly.
Through a combination of tips, tools and tactics, as well as success stories from 12 pioneer cities across Europe, the ENGAGE guidebook is an handy input on how to get citizens and stakeholders excited and involved about their local sustainable energy future.
Watch cities’ success stories!
Let’s find some inspiration with some pioneer cities’ campaign video clips! Discover how Leicester (UK), Pamplona (ES) and Ivanić-Grad (HR) have engaged hundreds of citizens, stakeholders, public servants and elected representatives!
Read more:
- The Engage Campaign – Campaign website (also on Facebook and YouTube)
- Energy cities – Official website
- URBACT Low Carbon Urban Environment projects – URBACT website
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