URBACT has long been active on social media. Its Facebook profile is now well established and is now a meeting point for 1750 fans. As for twitter, URBACT has now 1 099 followers and the URBACT National Dissemination Points tweet from their own accounts about URBACT in national languages.
But the great digital turn has been realised in the last months when URBACT invested even more social media, with the creation of its FLICKR account for instance, and decided to bet on digital exchanges to offer the possibility to those not able to physically attend the URBACT Annual Conference in Copenhagen to follow the discussion and take part.
The Urban Annual Conference Website proposed a live streaming of the discussions and presented the last tweets on URBACT. It also links to FLICKR and proposes a work space in which all the subscribers will have access to the conference material in the coming month: PowerPoint Presentations, videos and workshops results.
All in all, this has been a great success!
On twitter #URBACT2012 has been very popular with about 30,000 impressions per 24 hours.
And the URBACT Storify gathered tweets and feeds from other social media. It reached 231 832 views since it was created. It’s an impressive result!
So impressive that we decided to investigate more to understand what is exactly behind these numbers. But so far, we’ve found only supporting evidence. Great news since it means that URBACT goes more and more participative!
Welcome to all of you and let’s build together the urban sustainable policy of tomorrow!
Ségolène Pruvot