Towards A European Urban Agenda: Debates Around #EUCities Conference


By URBACT, on February 28th, 2014

> Read URBACT's articles

The ‘Cities for Tomorrow, Investing In Europe’ conference, organised in Brussels in February, aimed at discussing the why, how and what of the European Urban Agenda. Discussions on the conference, the agenda and on links between Europe and Cities spreaded accross to Twitter. Here is URBACT’s Best-Of!

  1. Expectation was tangible around the European Urban Agenda before the event!
  2. RT @aloysrigaut #EUcities CoRs’ #BasVerkerk rapporteur: do we need an #EU urban agenda? Yes absolutely! Why not yet there?
  3. An urban agenda for Europe? Join the debate. Brussels 17-18 February @URBACT #EUcities 
  4. Speakers start with acknowledging the importance of cities within the union… but those links could be built upon more.
  5. “We were Europe of cities much before we were Europe of Member States” Commissioner Hahn #EUCiTIES @URBACT @Sergejeviic
  6. @JHahnEU: Cities shld no longer be at #EU policy sidelines
    EU #Urban Agenda overdue:CitiesofTomorrowForum  #EUCiTIES
  7. Sessions give opportunity to think about role of cities on global scene and challenges as well as on the urban agenda. What should it entail? A focus on people, poverty, social inclusion and sustainability is demanded by and beyond the URBACT community.
  8. Eddy adams makes point that big shift in poverty is growth of in-work poverty – what can cities do about this? #EUCiTIES @URBACT
  9. RT @SallyKneeshaw: “We forget that cities are where people live, love and die, not just an administrative level” @BenjaminRBarber #EUCiTIES
  10. #eucities new forms of poverty touching the middle-class. One of the biggest new challenges for urban EU @URBACT
  11. .@Joanclos: Urbanization worldwide not going very well. Good commercial success but not at building sust. communities #EUCiTIES
  12. Guttierrez-Cortines we shouldn’t be ashamed to talk about people’s happiness in the cities #EUCiTIES @URBACT
  13. Should EU funds go direct to cities? Lisbon mayor refers to potential of new EU urban Tools #EUCiTIES @URBACT
  14. #EUCiTIES the new urban agenda has to deal with urban poverty, social inclusion and youth #URBACT
  15. #eucities new forms of poverty touching the middle-class. One of the biggest new challenges for urban EU @URBACT
  16. But the focus remained somewhat vague on the first day.
  17. #EUCiTIES debate needs to get specific – key debate to come on implication for our priorities @URBACT
  18. Benjamin Barber‘s appearance on day 1 was most appreciated…
  19. Well… @BenjaminRBarber just woke us up. “Democratic deficit in Europe can be fixed at city level” #EUCiTIES
  20. Question is not what Europe can do for cities, but what cities can do for Europe @BenjaminRBarber @URBACT #EUCiTIES
  21. #EUCiTIES Benjamin Barber says a new urban agenda should not help cities but should empower them ! #URBACT
  22. As was MEP Jan Olbrycht‘s closing speach.
  23. Good day 1 ending from jan Olbrycht – stresses that this is a genuine debate, not top down EC agenda. #bigask #EUCiTIES @URBACT
  24. Panels on day 1 were widely criticised for their uniformity – only 1 woman in 22 (overwhelmingly white) speakers!
  25. Panel with 100 % men quota at an event of the European Commission. In the year 2014. Ouch. #citiesoftomorrow #ec #EUcities
  26. Six more men on the panel being smart. Is there any room for smart women at #EUCiTIES? So our European urban model is by Siemens. who knew?
  27. #EUCiTIES audience has noticed that so far we’ve heard from 6 white men and two more to come before the break. #diversity @URBACT
  28. So what about URBACT’s role and possible contributions in the upcoming agenda? There is a widespread emphasis on the importance of inter-cities collaboration and transfer of best practice.
  29. Europe needs platforms for cities to collaborate – like @URBACT – says Polish Minister Orlowski #EUCiTIES
  30. RT @SallyKneeshaw: one of Best thing EU can do is help #cities to share best practice and learn from each other. #Dublin @URBACT #EUCiTIES
  31. Innovative solutions need ppl and organisations who never worked together 2start working together-a role for EU Urban Agenda? #EUcities /PBA
  32. #EUCiTIES: a EU urban agenda needs EU governance, funding and coop. Sustainable education of citizen. Transfer best practices. @EU_Regional
  33. @peterramsden2: M.Ralph we need to mix place based & ppl based approaches #EUCiTIES @URBACT what abt community led local development? #CLLD
  34. URBACT can also provide thematic input.
  35. On the 19th, a presentation of URBACT III program was well attended.
  36. At the end of the two days of conference, not very surprisingly, the principle of a European Urban Agenda made a consensus .A platform was created to collect inputs on the Agenda which should be finalised before 2015.
  37. This forum has said yes to an #EU urban agenda- work ahead will focus on what it should contain and how it shd operate #EUcities
  38. In conclusion @JHahnEU commits to production of EU Urban agenda before year end and establishment of #EUcities as annual event @URBACT
  39. URBACT Thematic Pole Manager will contribute another blog post on the Conference next week with their inputs on the Forum, the Agenda and the role URBACT III will play in it. In the meantime… they already have tips for next year’s forum!
  40. BTW this is as interactive as the space gets at this event. Need to address in future! #EUCiTIES @URBACT

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