Twitter is a beloved place for exchanges on urban issues. Here is a (limited) list of accounts we particularly enjoy following, covering our interests – including but not limited to integrated urban development – in no particular order!
@eumayors is the twitter account of a transnational network of cities mayors working toward sustainable cities.
@energycities tweets on energy transition and (once more) their cities network’s achievements towards it.
@citiesforpeople is the account of Gehl Architects, micro-blogging on solutions developed towards ‘liveable’ cities. URBACT folks are quite fond of their works since an encounter with Camila Van Deurs during last Summer University. Remember?
@Foodcities put food at the heart of sustainable development, an engaging holistic approach also spreading within URBACT’s newest projects.
@pps_placemaking: “Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is the central hub of the global Placemaking movement, connecting people to ideas, expertise, and partners who share a passion for creating vital places.”
@BID_Ciutades tweet about cities initiatives towards sustainability in South-America. They tweet and blog in Spanish and English.
@atlanticcities is a classic, but entrusted source of news on urban matters – if North-America centered – with a very broad scope of interests, at citizen’s level.
@transitiontowns tweets on the global, community led transition movement: community or citizens led initiatives are often powerful influencers on cities authorities and policy makers.
@enablingcity: “Enabling City is an organization that works to advance social innovation as a form of active citizenship, particularly in the areas of urban sustainability and participatory governance.”
@sustaincities: “SCI works with cities around the world to bring about change towards urban sustainability. SCI focuses on building human capacity within cities so that innovation and change – which is required for sustainability – can occur.”
Who do you follow? You can comment or tweet @URBACT to let us know!
National governments have proven that they do not have what is required to meet the global challenges of climate change and the unsustainable use of our planet’s resources. The shortcomings of the COP meeting since Copenhagen acts as testament to this. With the burden of recession and austerity, short-sighted national governments have thus far shown themselves unable to handle sustainable development issues.
Within the arena of sustainable development, the boundaries of responsibility are undergoing a monumental shift. This allows new actors to take pole position in the creation of new opportunities. Old infrastructures are being replaced by new ones that are better designed to cope with the challenges facing cities and regions.
We should stop directing our attentions and frustrations towards impotent governments. Instead we must focus on more localized models that simmer from below but come to influence and inspire national actors to greater action.
You can also find information about 33 Mayors International network at http://www.kajembren.com/33-mayors-network-listed-to-push-for-a-climate-deal-but-will-they-act/