16 Ways You Can Take Advantage of URBACT Even if You are Not Part of It – Public Employees

Jorge Toledo

By Jorge Toledo, on August 26th, 2014

> Read Jorge Toledo's articles

When you hear about the URBACT programme, does it sound like an abstract thing that wouldn’t be of any use to you? Check out these suggestions. You may be surprised to find out what this program can do for you!

2. Are you a municipal technician or public employee?

Find examples of approaches, solutions and policies you could build upon. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel! Be careful, though; you are not copying, nor even translating – you are gathering knowledge to help you create your own local solutions.

Meet and collaborate with other committed colleagues working on the same issues you are facing. You are not alone! Look beyond your city and you will find people with common issues, concerns and interests, with whom you can share knowledge and practices.

Legitimise your work in the eyes of politicians and decision makers. It’s a way to tell them: “It does matter. It is possible. It has been done before”. It may help them visualize the value and purpose of your proposals.

  • Grab a Local Action Plan or a final report and check out the active networks.

Learn about methodologies and tools for participatory and integrated policy making. You can act as a mediator and connector between citizens and decision makers.

These are just a few suggestions on how you could take advantage of URBACT’s open knowledge and transparency principles, which leave all the working documents and results exposed for you to review, reuse and adapt. We are sure you can find even more creative and productive ways of using all of the information that is available. Will you miss this opportunity?

Are you not a public employee or municipal technician? Check the other articles in this series, specifically aimed at decision makers or elected representatives, practitioners or students, and citizens, activists or users.

Is—or was—your city a part of URBACT? Find out here!
If not, invite your local representatives to join the URBACT INFODAYS!

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