Archives for 2015

Dense suburban New Towns – solution for high-growth urban areas?

Picture 1. Tin Shui Wai new town in 2005 Source: Hong Kong is the ’dream’ of urban planners: the city has been consistently developed in the last decades according to the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) principles, creating strong link between urban density and efficient public transport. What are the pros and cons of such […]

By Ivan Tosics, on December 17th, 2015 at 14:56

Play in the city: the spaces of spontaneous (or ‘pick-up’) basketball games

Phil Jackson, perhaps the greatest coach in basketball’s history, describes the perfect game as when players ‘do without thinking’. As with many sports and activities, true joy comes from the flow of action and reaction, as players engage in the dance of what we call ‘pick-up’ basketball. When I find myself in a new city […]

By Mark Ball, on November 24th, 2015 at 18:16

Governing Large Cities after the Financial Crisis

Growing democracy deficit and quickly shrinking public budgets : European cities react very differently on these circumstances. Many look for innovations and show more flexibility towards population claims, in some others progressive new mayors are elected, while some even strengthen authoritarian policies. With over 700 participants, plenary discussions and 19 parallel tracks the AESOP’2015 Congress […]

By Ivan Tosics, on October 22nd, 2015 at 21:20

Pictures that say thousands of words

A good friend of mine grew up in Kampala, Uganda in the 1970s. An uncle of his owned the main cinema there, at the time. One day the uncle learned that the head of state, Idi Amin, had chosen the cinema as the venue for his latest wedding reception. This meant the uncle had to […]

By Eddy Adams, on September 30th, 2015 at 15:00

Get on the Move: Fascinating Autumn Appointments on Urban and Regional Planning!

With the autumn comes the season of big European meetings on Regional and Urban Policies, here we gathered input from throughout Europe on the appointments not to be missed in 2015! Take Note!

By Segolene Pruvot, on September 28th, 2015 at 18:19

Cities Working beyond Boundaries – Innovative City Leadership Examples from URBACT Cities

Experiementing a change in the role of city administration ‘When we look at URBACT Cities it is clear that there is a common pattern in cities that are successfull in adressing the challenges that they face today. In all of them there has been a changin the role of city administration. It’s all about cities […]

By Segolene Pruvot, on September 8th, 2015 at 19:33

Smart Cities in Hungary: Comments on Some Recent Experiences

The term „smart city” is definitely becoming more and more often used in Hungary when urban development or city management is concerned. Here we are commenting on some of the recent ‘smart city’ initiatives in Hungary.

By Mariann Majorné Venn, on August 26th, 2015 at 16:11

Urban Gardening: Every City Has Its Own Story

Urban gardening is one of the most widespread collaborative spatial practices in Slovenia. It is not a new phenomenon as it has been present in Slovenian cities and towns for decades, most extensively since the end of World War II. Urban gardens are everywhere – on municipal gardening plots, in schools and kindergartens, nurseries, and […]

By Petra Očkerl, on August 17th, 2015 at 10:00

Attacks on Freedom of Movement: Too much to Lose!

Closing the borders, building new walls, attacking migrants … Europe’s key milestone, freedom of movement, is today in danger. Can the URBACT experience of multinational exchanges help to overcome this danger?

By Ivan Tosics, on August 7th, 2015 at 12:06

Surfing in San Sebastian, Spain: Not Just a Nice Summer Activity

Spain? Surf? These are not only summer holidays dreams but also a very sound basis for the growth of the urban economy in the city of San Sebastian, Spain. There, the surf cluster has been singled out as a new growth opportunity. The city worked with the whole surfing cluster (tourism industry, producers of surf […]

By Segolene Pruvot, on July 20th, 2015 at 13:28