From many points of views 2016 has been a year full of surprises, deceptions and worries (see previous article by Eddy Adams), but at URBACT we like to look at what has been positive, strong, energising and happy too. And 2016 has been a long and fruitful year at URBACT! In this short article, we […]
Archives for 2016

Finding solutions to complex challenges through ESPON targeted analyses
Cities face numerous and complex challenges linked to climate change, poverty and demographic shifts to name but a few. They need to define measures to tackle these problems and design policies to achieve smart, inclusive and sustainable urban development, which are difficult tasks to deal with. Development strategies should be evidence-based, consider local circumstances and […]

Will American cities be trumped?
Democrats are being bullish about the future of cities under a Trump administration, but financial realities will soon bite. In general, larger cities are more likely to vote Democrat than small towns and rural areas. Ivan Tosics’ article of 15th November showed that it was often the smaller urban areas that supported Trump. Indeed, […]

Reasons to be Cheerful? What 2016 taught us about the battle ahead
For many of us, the collapse of Communism in Europe was the most significant historical moment in our lifetime. The crumbling of the Eastern Bloc and the subsequent implosion of the USSR led to the reunification of Europe. At the time, it seemed like the catalyst towards the inevitable spread of liberal democracy throughout the […]

Lab Connections: Policy Labs in Europe for Europe #POLICYLAB4EU
Public authorities are faced with growing challenges and shrinking budgets. Innovation and modernisation of the public sector is a must to deliver more with less. More stakeholder – especially citizen- involvement can ensure more effective and to the point policies. Policy labs, through their user-centred design thinking and experimental approaches, can be instrumental for this. […]

Cities making money by going 100% Renewables
Frankfurt is known as one of the global financial centers with a big airport. But there is more to know about this German city: In fact, the City of Frankfurt is one example that shows how local economies can be strengthened by transitioning to 100% Renewables. By 2050, the City will produce 100% of its […]

Visualising urban futures: TechTown dares to dream!
The TechTown network has been walking the talk, experimenting with digital tools both in transnational meetings and in between them to maintain momentum and keep the focus firmly on innovating, pushing boundaries, thinking of new ways to work. But low tech animation techniques can also help to open our minds, embrace the future and dare […]

What lessons to learn from the US Presidential elections?
Cover image: Mark Makela/Getty Images Why is it important to write about the US elections on the URBACT blog? After all, the US is far away, the main topics of the presidential race have little European relevance and seemingly none at all for knowledge exchange programmes for cities, like URBACT. The two main (and fairly shocking) […]

Stimulating solidary in neighbourhoods of apartment blocks to foster urban rehabilitation: examples from Hungary
Social urban rehabilitation projects, these days co-financed by the EU, reach their goals through combined intervention in physical and social/communal aspects of the area – in theory, at least. On the other hand, common experience is that while the rehabilitation of built environment is going smoothly, the joint efforts on human or social development are […]

Exchanges on the Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees at the #EUWRC
As previously reported on URBACT pages the European Union faces one of its gravest challenges with the biggest wave of migration since World War II, as people flee war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa. Cities are at the forefront of this challenge, many having to find ways to cope with large numbers […]