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Simone d’Antonio, @simonedantonio on Twitter, journalist, is responsible for the activities of the Italian URBACT National Dissemination Point.
Italian journalist and communicator, Simone d’Antonio holds a degree in International Relations and an advanced degree in European Studies both at Orientale University in Naples. From 2010 he is press and communication officer for Cittalia-ANCI, the research center of the Italian Association of Municipalities (ANCI) in Rome. He is also social media editor of Cittalia and he is in charge of ANCI activities of training to the use of social media tools for Italian local authorities. Actually, he is responsible for the activities of the National Dissemination Point for Italy of the URBACT Programme.
From 2006 to 2010 he was head of the press office and coordinator of the Working Committee on Environment and Energy of the European Foundation of Cities Anci Ideali, based in Brussels.
During his professional experience at Italian and European level, he has coordinated the communication strategy of many EU co-funded projects on urban, social and environmental issues, also writing as freelance articles and reports on these topics published by Italian newspapers and magazines.
He is a contributor of the Italian edition of Wired, Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Manifesto, The Good Life, Corriere delle Comunicazioni, Anci Rivista and other magazines related to urban affairs in Italy and in Europe.
Expert of urban topics, he wrote “Buone prassi, buone notizie”, (Rubettino Editore), review of European best urban practices.
At present he is also president of Youth Press Italia, the Italian association of young journalists, communicators and media makers, and he took part as speaker to many European conferences on communication and youth innovation in Europe and in Asia.
He loves European and Asian movies, photography, Japan and travelling.