
Michel Wilwert

Wilwert Michel

Michel Wilwert worked as a cluster manager and was responsible for the development and setting up of the first regional cluster of eco-friendly enterprises issued from the building and housing sector in Luxembourg. Since 2012 he is working as an environmental consultant and project manager. Michel Wilwert detains a MA in Urban Geography of the Université de Provence Aix-Marseille, France and a MA in Spatial Planning of the University of Luxembourg. His interests try to identify coherent and sustainable methods of implementing open source principles into day-to-day workflows.

Agapides Lazaros

Telecom and Networking Specialist Representative of the Municipality of Heraklion Good Practice City For the Smart City Strategic Plan

Christian Svanfeldt

Svanfeldt Christian
Policy analysts, European Commission

Christian has worked as policy analyst for national and European administrations in the field of innovation, research and regional and urban policy for more than two decades. He is really interested in rethinking policymaking to better reflect the realities in which policies are being implemented. He joined the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research in 2001, moved to the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy in 2009 and joined the JRC in 2015. Christian holds an MSc in Systems Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm), an MBA in industrial economics and innovation management from the Ecole Centrale Paris and a PhD in management and sociology of innovation from the Paris-Dauphine University.

Mary Bogle

Bogle Mary

Mary Bogle is a senior research associate in the Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center at the Urban Institute. Her research focuses on policies and place-based interventions that help low-income parents surmount the economic, equity, and mental health challenges that often interfere with their efforts to create healthy, productive, and protective environments for their children. During her career, Bogle has worked for street-level human services organizations, been executive director of Grantmakers for Children, Youth, & Families, led the planning efforts for several comprehensive community change initiatives, and been a program specialist for the federal Head Start Bureau, where she played a pivotal role in designing and launching Early Head Start, the premier federal initiative for low-income families with infants and toddlers.

Emmanuel Moulin

Moulin Emmanuel

Anna Lisa Boni

Boni Anna Lisa

Secretary general, Eurocities