Cécile Houpert, Project Officer at EUROCITIES, takes a look at three cities taking part in the EU funded ROCK project. What have Bologna (IT), Lisbon (PT) and Skopje (MK) got in common? Apart from being major European metropolises and hotbeds of culture and heritage, the three cities are part of the EU funded ROCK project […]
Posts Tagged ‘Bologna’
Buying a better future
Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson was the Lead Expert for Procure and is currently the Network Expert for Making Spend Matter. He represents URBACT on the EU Urban Agenda Partnership for Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement and believes the way cities buy goods and services can change for a better economic, social and environmental future. The ‘Buying a […]
How a regulation turned Bologna’s civic pride into action
An association of Bologna women turned an unused city-owned building into an ‘ethical boutique’. It’s one result of a new city policy that encourages citizens to volunteer their time and talents while governing their use of public assets. (Rete Civica Iperbole) A few years ago, a group of women in their 50s living near Bologna’s […]
From Bologna to Europa: Relationships between Creative Industries & Local Authorities
How can a whole city be involved around the relationship between creativity and entrepreneurship? During a transnational meeting of the URBACT project Creative SpIN in Bologna, the Municipality showed the impact of the long-standing interaction among local public administrations, entrepreneurs active in traditional sectors and cultural and creative enterprises. The visit exemplified the project’s process […]
Creative Industries In Cross-Sectoral Interactions
How can a whole city be involved around the relationship between creativity and entrepreneurship? Philippe Kern, lead expert of the project, founder and managing director of KEA, shared his views on creative industries and fostering creative ecosystems in cities with Simone D’Antonio, Cittalia, during a Creative SpIN project study visit in Bologna. How Are Creative […]