Posts Tagged ‘Bristol’

What’s art got to do with it? 4 reasons why sustainable cities need artists and cultural institutions on board

Bristol’s Park Street turned into a 90-meter water slide, Photo by Luke Jerram It all started with a water slide, on a sunny Sunday morning two years ago. Over 65.000 people stood in Bristol’s Park Street to watch the lucky 360 go head-first down the 90-meter slide. The installation by the British artist Luke Jerram […]

By Ania Rok, on March 30th, 2016 at 13:48

Sustainable Food Against Climate Change

How can sustainable food contribute to fighting climate change? The experience of cities involved in the URBACT network Sustainable Food in Urban Communities gives insights into how cities can play a decisive role in fostering a change in the daily behaviors of citizens, with positive effects on CO2 emissions at global, national and local level. Ten […]

By Simone D'Antonio, on September 30th, 2014 at 11:31