Posts Tagged ‘Brussels’

A guide to crowdfunding for local authorities

How do local authorities in Europe tackle growing economic and social challenges in their territories with an ever-shrinking budget? Many of them have started partnering with local and national crowdfunding platforms, ranging from civic and cultural projects, to entrepreneurial and “green” business ideas. What is crowdfunding? Crowdfunding is a relatively new form of raising funds […]

By Francesca Passeri, on September 5th, 2019 at 11:37

Cities4Europe – Europe for citizens

With the EU at a cross roads, we need to seize the opportunity to change the way things are done in Europe. Europe’s cities and metropolitan areas offer the right scale to respond to the challenges Europe is facing. With the objective of co-creating societies where people come first, EUROCITIES is launching the ‘Cities4Europe – […]

By Federico Guerrieri, on January 16th, 2018 at 11:56

Cities, actors of change

URBACT’s Emmanuel Moulin takes us on a trip to the Brussels of the future in this article first published as part of a collection for his former doctorate supervisor Prof Dr. Klaus Kunzmann. As a 75th birthday tribute to Kunzmann, who 20 years ago identified five key challenges for spatial development and planning in Europe, […]

By Emmanuel Moulin, on August 10th, 2017 at 08:45

Get on the Move: Fascinating Autumn Appointments on Urban and Regional Planning!

With the autumn comes the season of big European meetings on Regional and Urban Policies, here we gathered input from throughout Europe on the appointments not to be missed in 2015! Take Note!

By Segolene Pruvot, on September 28th, 2015 at 18:19

Sustainable Food Against Climate Change

How can sustainable food contribute to fighting climate change? The experience of cities involved in the URBACT network Sustainable Food in Urban Communities gives insights into how cities can play a decisive role in fostering a change in the daily behaviors of citizens, with positive effects on CO2 emissions at global, national and local level. Ten […]

By Simone D'Antonio, on September 30th, 2014 at 11:31

How Does URBACT Integrate Knowledge Coming from Other Regions of the World?

URBACT has recently launched in Brussels 6 thematic publications in which one can find food for thought and hints on how to address difficult issues European cities face.  During the presentation an interactive Question Time allowed participants to ask questions about the report and about the future funds available for cities in the next European […]

By URBACT, on July 4th, 2013 at 12:12