Posts Tagged ‘Children’s city’

How residents are opening up the city for children to play: “We decided to try to change things. Starting with our own street…”

Back in 2009, two mothers in Bristol (UK) were concerned about their children’s lack of freedom to play out in their own neighbourhood, to get daily exercise and make friends in the community. Since their own childhood in the 1970s, the urban environment had changed and children were no longer a day-to-day presence playing in […]

By Alice Ferguson, on September 5th, 2017 at 09:00

Cities for all ages: 3 stories to get inspired

We claim to want to build cities for everyone but it seems that not everyone is invited to be part of the conversation. Among many dimensions of exclusion, such as gender, economic status or ethnicity, there is one that is probably the easiest to remedy and yet often forgotten: age. As Gil Penalosa, former Commissioner […]

By Ania Rok, on July 28th, 2016 at 10:19