Posts Tagged ‘Collaboration’

Growing Free-range Civil Servants

Public employees can innovate. This was lesson number one for the project, which our contributor Eddy Adams followed and reported on for us. The great thing, one might add, is that once you have innovative public employees or civil servants, cooperation with citizens is likely to improve as a result: citizen-led innovation won’t represent […]

By URBACT, on June 10th, 2015 at 19:04

Sharing Food to Save the Planet: The Unusual Suspects Festival

Apart from Jordan and Even, I don’t think anyone else noticed that the carrots were missing. The two signature dishes created by chef Even Bakke during our workshop went down a treat. Both vegetarian, and one inspired by Iranian cuisine, they typified the exciting things happening in Sweden’s public kitchens. They also provided the perfect […]

By Eddy Adams, on September 17th, 2014 at 15:35

16 Ways You Can Take Advantage of URBACT Even if You are Not Part of It – Public Employees

When you hear about the URBACT programme, does it sound like an abstract thing that wouldn’t be of any use to you? Check out these suggestions. You may be surprised to find out what this program can do for you! 2. Are you a municipal technician or public employee? Find examples of approaches, solutions and […]

By Jorge Toledo, on August 26th, 2014 at 11:33