Posts Tagged ‘creativity’

Cities, actors of change

URBACT’s Emmanuel Moulin takes us on a trip to the Brussels of the future in this article first published as part of a collection for his former doctorate supervisor Prof Dr. Klaus Kunzmann. As a 75th birthday tribute to Kunzmann, who 20 years ago identified five key challenges for spatial development and planning in Europe, […]

By Emmanuel Moulin, on August 10th, 2017 at 08:45

Tweeting the City: 10 Twitter Accounts We Follow On Urban Issues

Twitter is a beloved place for exchanges on urban issues. Here is a (limited) list of accounts we particularly enjoy following, covering our interests – including but not limited to integrated urban development – in no particular order! @eumayors is the twitter account of a transnational network of cities mayors working toward sustainable cities. @energycities […]

By URBACT, on April 9th, 2014 at 17:10

Cities and Globalisation

This week the economist, Harvard professor and author of Triumph of the City, Ed Glaeser, gave a fast paced and inspiring lecture at the London School of Economics on cities and globalization. Many of his comments resonated with the experiences of European cities and knowledge from URBACT networks. His optimism about the positive effects of […]

By Sally Kneeshaw, on January 24th, 2014 at 16:46

It’s more fun in a group!

Guess what? It’s true! We learned and felt another powerful experience in Barnsley during our last URBACT Creative Clusters project thematic workshop. At the same time that our network is reaching the end, we feel that our team building is improving its abilities to share and learn. The latest edition of the creative brief planted […]

By URBACT, on May 6th, 2011 at 11:07

Getting Visions from Children and Youngster – The Creative School Contest in Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary

Under the URBACT Creative Clusters project, the Municipality of Hódmezóvásárhely launched the “Creative School Contest” at the end of November 2009. The main topic of it was how young children imagine the city in 15 years. The leadership of the town regards the young generation’s opinion and imagination is really important and significant, because the […]

By URBACT, on January 7th, 2011 at 11:21

Attracting and retaining creative talent in medium-sized towns. The strategy in Barnsley, UK

Attracting and retaining creative talent in Barnsley (partner in the URBACT project Creative Clusters in Low Density Areas) is set against a backdrop of a deprived post-mining economyt, with a small but emerging creative sector. Located inside the triangle Manchester-Sheffield-Leeds, in Northern England, regeneration investment in Barnsley has provided key venues for culture and creative […]

By URBACT, on November 25th, 2010 at 18:00

Green Paper on Cultural & Creative Industries: a lost opportunity?

The public consultation period about the Green Paper on Cultural & Creative Industries [“Unlocking the Potential of Cultural and Creative Industries”] made by DG Education and Culture was over last Summer. It is clear that Paper comes a bit late, when many EU cities and regions are displaying strategic visions and specific agendas in promoting […]

By URBACT, on October 26th, 2010 at 16:54

Creative Ceramics

Probably since the very beginnings of ceramic production there has been a duality of purpose, to make objects designed for daily (even construction or industrial) utility but also objects with a decorative or ornamental quality. This has, together with use of local materials and colour preferences, shaped the development of different decorative national or local […]

By URBACT, on August 26th, 2010 at 10:26

Creativity and Innovation in Europe

A few months after the presentation of the Green Paper on Cultural and Creative Industries the European debate has been more centred on innovation, rather than creativity. In a document produced for the European Commission Enterprise & Industry Directorate-General called “New Cluster Concepts Activities in Creative Industries” the core definition of creative industries is linked […]

By URBACT, on July 26th, 2010 at 10:40

What makes a city buzz?

This is the question which will be addressed by the  social innovation exchange at its Summer School 2010 which takes place in Singapore in September.  The most dynamic cities in the world have always been immersed in the critical innovations of their time, but why do some do it better than others? What inhibits a […]

By URBACT, on July 9th, 2010 at 13:43