Posts Tagged ‘Design’

Common public space design in Estonian-Latvian twin town Valga-Valka

Johanna Holvandus and Kadri Leetmaa make a case for cross border city twinning, showcasing the story of Estonian-Latvian border towns Valga and Valka, the recent hosts of a regional URBACT seminar. On October 18, 2018 Estonian-Latvian border towns Valga (EE) and Valka (LV) hosted a regional URBACT seminar. The aim of the common event was […]

By Johanna Holvandus, on February 1st, 2019 at 10:57

From Liveability to Lovability – The role of the placemaker in co-creating vibrant cities

Placemaking is a term that captures the collaborative process used to design and animate the public realm, and promote social and cultural life in the urban environment. Jan Gehl, the famous Copenhagen based urban designer, wrote about  ‘Life between buildings’, and how quality public spaces connect people to the places they share, and enhance happiness, […]

By Sally Kneeshaw, on November 7th, 2017 at 18:44

Can Marshmallows Save Our Cities?

Spaghetti and Marshmallows…What could possibly go wrong? Ever tried balancing a marshmallow on the end of a stick of spaghetti? Neither had I until last week. Let me tell you that it’s harder than it looks – particularly when the spaghetti (spaghetto?) is balanced on top of a structure made up of other…spaghetti. By now […]

By Eddy Adams, on April 9th, 2015 at 15:01

Helsinki: World Design Capital 2012

Helsinki, partner city in the URBACT CTUR project,  has been designated “World Design Capital” in 2012: as Pekka Timonen, Director of the Helsinki World Design Capital 2012 foundation, said, it is a ‘dynamic’ designation and not a ‘prize’. Helsinki has been selected by the world design community. Focus is on the use of design for […]

By URBACT, on October 26th, 2011 at 15:50