Posts Tagged ‘European cities’

Unlocking Europe’s innovative potential by going local!

EUROCITIES member cities are well represented in the new Action Planning networks recently launched by URBACT, which group cities together to work on actions as diverse as climate adaptation, circular economy, gender equality, mobility systems, inclusive cultural policies and sustainable tourism. Giving cities and other partners a chance to exchange knowledge, provide inspiration and find […]

By Anna Lisa Boni, on September 26th, 2019 at 11:57

Gender Equal Cities: a walk in the park?

‘Gender Equality’ has become one of the political zeitgeists of 2018, prompting institutions around the globe to take a closer look at how women and men interact in personal, professional and public spheres. But what does it mean for European cities? The new URBACT initiative, Gender Equal Cities, sought to provide some answers to this […]

By Sally Kneeshaw, on October 9th, 2018 at 13:31

A postcard from the SS Rotterdam: Reflection on the 2017 Cities Forum

Memory’s a funny thing. Sometimes, after moderating big events, I remember almost nothing of the detailed discussions. It’s as if the intensity of the exchange is so much that nothing sticks. Or maybe inside my head it has nothing to stick to! But, just back from moderating the 2017 EU Cities Forum in Rotterdam, my […]

By Eddy Adams, on December 4th, 2017 at 13:24

Tweeting the City: 10 Twitter Accounts We Follow On Urban Issues

Twitter is a beloved place for exchanges on urban issues. Here is a (limited) list of accounts we particularly enjoy following, covering our interests – including but not limited to integrated urban development – in no particular order! @eumayors is the twitter account of a transnational network of cities mayors working toward sustainable cities. @energycities […]

By URBACT, on April 9th, 2014 at 17:10

For Healthy Ageing In European Cities

In the cult movie, Logan’s Run, citizens are terminated at the age of 30. The plot focuses on the efforts of the eponymous hero as he makes his attempt to escape the city and prolong his life into middle age. Nowadays, applying the Logan’s Run rule would empty many of Europe’s cities. Across Europe, the […]

By Eddy Adams, on March 28th, 2014 at 17:04

Giant Intruders In Our Cities, Part II

Remember Ivan Tosics pictures on this blog of giant advertisement covering 5 storey buildings in eastern european towns? This picture of Saint Michel in Paris shows how the big Apple IPhone Advertisement currently dominates the landscape in its very touristic core. Browsing around the internet, we then found numerous accounts of  giant advertising, which, here, […]

By URBACT, on March 12th, 2014 at 13:53

Towards A European Urban Agenda: Debates Around #EUCities Conference

Storify by URBACT Fri, Feb 28 2014 07:07:28 The ‘Cities for Tomorrow, Investing In Europe’ conference, organised in Brussels in February, aimed at discussing the why, how and what of the European Urban Agenda. Discussions on the conference, the agenda and on links between Europe and Cities spreaded accross to Twitter. Here is URBACT’s Best-Of! […]

By URBACT, on February 28th, 2014 at 17:12

What is Coming in 2014 for URBACT

As a new year started, the editors of this blog paid a visit to Emmanuel Moulin, Head of URBACT Secretariat. Aside from enjoying the view of Paris skyline the secretariat office in Saint Denis offers, we also came back with a very timely blog post – as it turned out, there will be a lot […]

By URBACT, on January 29th, 2014 at 18:57

Best Of URBACT Blog 2013

The URBACT Blog is a space for several contributors to share experiences on and insights in the diversity of issues they encounter in and around their activities in URBACT. Here is a selection of articles which we particularly enjoyed reading in 2013: Change and social Innovation, Shrinking Cities, Soft Mobility, Urban Struggles, Stakeholder’s involvement. There […]

By Eddy Adams, on January 21st, 2014 at 19:46

Letter from America: The F Word, Watch a City Die because of the Mismatch between the City and the Functional Urban Area

The urban news in America has been dominated by three stories. First, the not guilty verdict on George Zimmerman the killer of Trayvon Martin. Second, Anthony Wiener’s predilection for sexting – he was the front runner for the democrats to get the nomination in the New York mayoral race and third the city of Detroit going into […]

By Peter Ramsden, on August 8th, 2013 at 12:02