EUROCITIES member cities are well represented in the new Action Planning networks recently launched by URBACT, which group cities together to work on actions as diverse as climate adaptation, circular economy, gender equality, mobility systems, inclusive cultural policies and sustainable tourism. Giving cities and other partners a chance to exchange knowledge, provide inspiration and find […]
Posts Tagged ‘European Urban Agenda’

Unlocking Europe’s innovative potential by going local!

Exchanges on the Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees at the #EUWRC
As previously reported on URBACT pages the European Union faces one of its gravest challenges with the biggest wave of migration since World War II, as people flee war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa. Cities are at the forefront of this challenge, many having to find ways to cope with large numbers […]

The Challenge of Urban Agenda for Europe: another view from Amsterdam
Something promising or unsurprising, according to your opinion, has happened at the end of last month for urban policies in Europe. The 30th of May, the EU Ministers Responsible for Urban Matters held an Informal Meeting in Amsterdam to sign a shared document known as the Pact of Amsterdam. This document launches a common agenda […]

Looking Backwards And Forwards To The European Urban Forum
Some 700 people came together to discuss the challenges and opportunities of urban areas where 80% of the EU population live. Leading politicians emphasized that EU policies must become more “urban-sensitive”, dealing with the urban economy (growth and jobs), the sustainability of the urban environment, social inclusion through more urban regeneration and improved links between […]
Towards A European Urban Agenda: Debates Around #EUCities Conference
Storify by URBACT Fri, Feb 28 2014 07:07:28 The ‘Cities for Tomorrow, Investing In Europe’ conference, organised in Brussels in February, aimed at discussing the why, how and what of the European Urban Agenda. Discussions on the conference, the agenda and on links between Europe and Cities spreaded accross to Twitter. Here is URBACT’s Best-Of! […]