Posts Tagged ‘good practice’

From Liveability to Lovability – The role of the placemaker in co-creating vibrant cities

Placemaking is a term that captures the collaborative process used to design and animate the public realm, and promote social and cultural life in the urban environment. Jan Gehl, the famous Copenhagen based urban designer, wrote about  ‘Life between buildings’, and how quality public spaces connect people to the places they share, and enhance happiness, […]

By Sally Kneeshaw, on November 7th, 2017 at 18:44

6 recommendations for cities that aim to join an URBACT Transfer Network

The call for the creation of URBACT Transfer Networks is open until 10 January 2018. The objective of these networks is the adaptation and transfer of URBACT labelled Good Practices to other municipalities that have similar challenges, but less experience. Some questions may arise to the city wishing to apply: What does the Good Practice […]

By Heike Mages, on October 25th, 2017 at 13:27

Cities investing in heritage and everyday culture in Greece and Cyprus: turning citizens in active participants rather than passive viewers

By browsing through the 97 URBACT Good Practice cities one can notice that culture and heritage are given a central role in several of them, e.g. Lisbon is implementing a strategy in order to protect historic shops, Malaga is turning a downgraded central area in a creative district, in Budapest Ujbuda residents are the ones […]

By Nicholas Karachalis, on October 24th, 2017 at 10:24

Good Practices on Early School Leaving in Tallinn from the URBACT PREVENT Project

In the strategy 2020, the European Union recognizes Early School Leaving (ESL) as a major challenge with an aim to reduce it below 10 %. Education researchers and practitioners consider that the role of parents in the prevention of this problem is crucial. Through a range of policies, local authorities can play a key role […]

By URBACT, on January 16th, 2014 at 19:20