As societies become increasingly complex and unpredictable, cities’ decision-making models and strategic development tools also need to evolve. Here is a case study to illustrate how a simple public consultation process can provide a clear understanding of a social system. The process is based on notions from systems thinking, complexity and network theory. Take the […]
Posts Tagged ‘Inspiration and Solutions from Cities’

New tools for mapping city systems: Understanding complexity in urban ecosystems

Dense suburban New Towns – solution for high-growth urban areas?
Picture 1. Tin Shui Wai new town in 2005 Source: Hong Kong is the ’dream’ of urban planners: the city has been consistently developed in the last decades according to the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) principles, creating strong link between urban density and efficient public transport. What are the pros and cons of such […]

Boosting Youth Enterprising Skills in Glasgow
The Bad Idea Organisation participates in My Generation at Work URBACT project in Glasgow. Discover how their approach helps boosting youth enterprising skills through youth enterprise competitions!

Improving Impact for Roma Inclusion
Roma inclusion is the theme of Roma-Net II, one of the three URBACT pilot networks, undertaking exchange and learning about the delivery of Local Action Plans. Six of the original partners from the first phase, (Almeria, Bologna, Budapest, Glasgow, Nagykálló and Torrent) have agreed to continue their collaboration. Roma-NeT II offers an opportunity for these cities […]

‘Love Your Local Market’ Goes Global
Do you ever shop at a market or visit them on holidays? Have you ever stopped to think about a market’s role in city life? The contribution it makes to the community and the economy? Whether it is successful? Data from 2008 shows there are 25,000 retail markets in Europe (including open-air/street and covered markets) […]

Six URBACT „Golden Nuggets” For Successful Partner Visits
URBACT Projects include a lot of study visits, where partners from several cities travel to one network city to get a sense of the project’s context, local actors, successes and obstacles. What makes for a good partner’s study visits? Here are a few tips from the last project Kick-off meetings. 1. Increase Innovation Potential With […]
Towards A European Urban Agenda: Debates Around #EUCities Conference
Storify by URBACT Fri, Feb 28 2014 07:07:28 The ‘Cities for Tomorrow, Investing In Europe’ conference, organised in Brussels in February, aimed at discussing the why, how and what of the European Urban Agenda. Discussions on the conference, the agenda and on links between Europe and Cities spreaded accross to Twitter. Here is URBACT’s Best-Of! […]

Interview With István Hunyadi, RE-BLOCK, Budapest
The 18th district of Budapest started to built up the RE-Block (REviving high-rise Blocks for cohesive and green neighborhoods) network based on the need to find new tools and solutions to give a boost to rehabilitate the “Havanna” high-rise block building estate, a deprived urban area situated at the outskirts of the 18th district of […]

Ljutomer’s Experience Within The Active Travel Network Project In Video
The municipality of Ljutomer, Slovenia, has been a partner in the URBACT II project Active Travel Network which was launched in 2009 and completed in 2012. Active Travel Network partners were looking to encourage Active Travel in cities as appropriate means of transport for short trips to tackle environmental problems. Ljutomer joined the URBACT project Active […]