Posts Tagged ‘Instagram’

How interactive is your city?

Daniela Patti, Levente Polyak, Simone d’Antonio, Elisabetta Savino and Sabrina Bruzzone report on the festival’s Interactive Cities (IC) lab. The project is dedicated to finding out about how interactive European cities are and how they use social media tools to be interactive. The Interactive Cities Lab in Lisbon saw the participation of some of the […]

By Daniela Patti, on November 14th, 2018 at 20:32

Best social media posts and best photos from 2018 #URBACTFest!

On 13 and 14 September 2018 URBACT City Festival took place in the wonderful city of Lisbon (PT). More than 500 participants, from 200 European cities gathered to celebrate the rising influence of cities as actors of change. URBACT also took the opportunity to celebrate the 15 years of the URBACT Programme! With this post […]

By URBACT, on September 21st, 2018 at 08:18