By browsing through the 97 URBACT Good Practice cities one can notice that culture and heritage are given a central role in several of them, e.g. Lisbon is implementing a strategy in order to protect historic shops, Malaga is turning a downgraded central area in a creative district, in Budapest Ujbuda residents are the ones […]
Posts Tagged ‘Malaga’
Cities investing in heritage and everyday culture in Greece and Cyprus: turning citizens in active participants rather than passive viewers
Re-Block: Lessons on Improving Quality of Life in European Block Real Estates
By today it is more or less clear that constructing large-scale housing estates was one of the dead-end pathways of urbanism 30-60 years ago. The architects of such estates believed “… in the role of architecture as a weapon of social reform … when everyone would live in cheap prefabricated flat-roofed multiple dwellings – heaven […]