Posts Tagged ‘Projects’

Pazin (HR) builds mutual trust by involving its citizens in passing the budget

Here is a story about a city which began involving its citizens in setting and passing the city budget, educated them about how the local government functions, and consequently built mutual trust between the citizens and their local government. It is a story about participatory budgeting, a process of democratic discussion and decision-making, which is […]

By Mario Zulicek, on March 27th, 2018 at 15:04

URBACT projects: Building on past experiences

URBACT enables European cities to work together in projects to share and capitalise on experience. It enables the development of solutions to urban challenges that other cities can then adapt to their own context. It also has the role of analysing and capitalising on learning. And when we speak of learning, it is both the […]

By URBACT, on November 3rd, 2011 at 16:13