Posts Tagged ‘recession’

Demanding more from the weakest

Controversial decision from the Spanish government to ban any loans by municipalities from January 2011. The socialist government of Rodriguez Zapatero passed last week a law with immediate effect that forbids local governments to contract debt to finance investment. The decision, which was adopted without prior notice or debate, came as a surprise for all […]

By URBACT, on May 31st, 2010 at 10:14

Financial devolution: postponed again due to economic crisis?

As stated last year by Peter Mehlbye, Director of the ESPON Coordination Unit, “when addressing the global economic recession it is crucial to underline that the crisis is in progress and not over yet, despite first encouraging signs of recovery”. Unfortunately, in the first months of 2010 early impressions of recovery are being altered by […]

By URBACT, on March 30th, 2010 at 17:11

YES WE CAN (address the climate changes) !

It could be the leitmotiv of the new Swedish Presidency of the EU. The European Parliament fixed very ambitious objectives in the “Climate change package” adopted last year (see this URBACT newsletter article to know more). To reach these objectives is now one of Sweden’s main priorities. No more rhetoric, but bold agreements and decisions […]

By URBACT, on July 22nd, 2009 at 12:19