Oberhausen is a city in the Ruhr Area in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. It has about 211 000 inhabitants and is one of the cities still fighting to overcome its industrial past. Over the past two years, Oberhausen has often served as an example of a German city coping with the influx of […]
Posts Tagged ‘Remakingthecity’

Stimulating solidary in neighbourhoods of apartment blocks to foster urban rehabilitation: examples from Hungary
Social urban rehabilitation projects, these days co-financed by the EU, reach their goals through combined intervention in physical and social/communal aspects of the area – in theory, at least. On the other hand, common experience is that while the rehabilitation of built environment is going smoothly, the joint efforts on human or social development are […]

How a regulation turned Bologna’s civic pride into action
An association of Bologna women turned an unused city-owned building into an ‘ethical boutique’. It’s one result of a new city policy that encourages citizens to volunteer their time and talents while governing their use of public assets. (Rete Civica Iperbole) A few years ago, a group of women in their 50s living near Bologna’s […]

From Spaces To Places: Valuing Public Spaces In URBACT Cities
A handful of cities belonging to four URBACT networks (1) addressed from different angles the public and urban space issue, one of the more important topics for nowadays cities. It is true that some of these projects were beyond the public space theme. Anyway, we should point out that through these networks different dimensions and […]

Between Bottom-up Regeneration and Coworking
As described in a recent blog post, in Slovenia, collaborative spatial practices have been springing up like mushrooms after the rain. The publication Prostori sodelovanja (“Spaces of Collaboration”), published by IpoP, and a dedicated website deal with a wide variety of these practices within seven themes: co-mobility, housing communities, bottom-up regeneration, temporary use of space, […]

Open! Community Utilisation of Vacant Retail Space
The signs of the 2008 crisis became visible within few months after its outbreak on the Grand Boulevard of Budapest, which was one of the most important retail locations of the city, and on many other streets as well: closed shops, business premises with lowered blinds to let. Like in many major European cities, the […]

Tackling Brownfields and Land-Take in Europe
Brownfields are an inherent feature of most, if not all, cities around the globe. They all have a potential contribution to make the long-term success of their city. However, if they are ignored, brownfield sites can become the focus of social and economic problems. The 4th International Conference on Managing Urban Land celebrated progress, almost […]