Posts Tagged ‘Smart Growth’

Shrink Smart : A Challenge for Polish Cities

While the urban population is growing extremely fast in the world, some cities are shrinking dramatically, especially in Europe. It poses a series of problems in terms of liveability, sustainability and rehabilitation. Here the URBACT National Dissemination Point in Poland presents the case of two Polish cities – Bytom and Sosnowiec – that have explored solutions […]

By Segolene Pruvot, on February 20th, 2013 at 14:01

The Urban NOSE response to the crisis: cities as “garden engines”

The impact of the recent crisis has inducted many experts to revising the vision of cities seen like ‘engines of growth and jobs’ and to easily join the disbelieving attitude of so many citizens, by exploring and evolving towards more fundamental shifts in production and consumption that make cities more like “gardens”. The ‘Urban NOSE’ […]

By URBACT, on September 22nd, 2009 at 09:55