Posts Tagged ‘Social Innovation’

Urban regeneration through cultural heritage: three cities’ stories

Cécile Houpert, Project Officer at EUROCITIES, takes a look at three cities taking part in the EU funded ROCK project. What have Bologna (IT), Lisbon (PT) and Skopje (MK) got in common? Apart from being major European metropolises and hotbeds of culture and heritage, the three cities are part of the EU funded ROCK project […]

By Cecile Houpert, on December 12th, 2019 at 18:47

Siena: civic engagement for a resilient city

In the face of adversity, Siena (IT) turned to new actors for its urban development. Elisa Filippi, National URBACT Point Italy says its citizens and the municipality stepped up, with projects including new community hub, regenerating the “Green Valleys” and turning Siena into one of the first carbon free provinces in Europe in 2013. Between […]

By Elisa Filippi, on August 14th, 2019 at 11:13

17 hacks to make the most of public property in your city

A quarter of Europe’s population lives in small and medium-sized towns and cities. Hiding away in these places is a wealth of untapped potential – including public buildings and land. In times of budget cuts, this public property can be used to steer urban development, with positive benefits for the city as a whole. Drawing […]

By Petra Očkerl, on September 21st, 2017 at 17:34

Social innovation: How about measuring water quality for ourselves?!

City Mine(d) is a Brussels- and London-based NGO that has been active for over 20 years in projects involving citizens and local residents in urban development. City Mine(d) deliberately blurs the boundaries between social and technological innovation and artistic creation. Using the methodology of “radical prototyping”, Jim Segers, one of City Mine(d)’s founders, tells URBACT […]

By Jim Segers, on August 22nd, 2017 at 11:11

4 lessons every European city can learn from Oberhausen

Oberhausen is a city in the Ruhr Area in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. It has about 211 000 inhabitants and is one of the cities still fighting to overcome its industrial past. Over the past two years, Oberhausen has often served as an example of a German city coping with the influx of […]

By Petra Očkerl, on March 14th, 2017 at 13:25

Cities for all ages: 3 stories to get inspired

We claim to want to build cities for everyone but it seems that not everyone is invited to be part of the conversation. Among many dimensions of exclusion, such as gender, economic status or ethnicity, there is one that is probably the easiest to remedy and yet often forgotten: age. As Gil Penalosa, former Commissioner […]

By Ania Rok, on July 28th, 2016 at 10:19

‘Migrant crisis’: Two worlds apart seeking cohesion between the national and local levels

Credit photos: Gordon Welters/UNHCR, “How will Germany house all its refugees?”, How can social innovation help in today’s Europe, which is welcoming people from Africa and the Middle East, fleeing war and poverty? How can social innovation reduce the fear of the unknown in central and east European countries, who do not have a […]

By Peter Wolkowinski, on May 2nd, 2016 at 12:31

Growing Free-range Civil Servants

Public employees can innovate. This was lesson number one for the project, which our contributor Eddy Adams followed and reported on for us. The great thing, one might add, is that once you have innovative public employees or civil servants, cooperation with citizens is likely to improve as a result: citizen-led innovation won’t represent […]

By URBACT, on June 10th, 2015 at 19:04

The URBACT City Festival – Seen By Its Participants

[View the story “The URBACT City Festival – Seen By Its Participants” on Storify]

By URBACT, on May 26th, 2015 at 11:13

Why Building City Stakeholder Capacity Matters More Than Ever

We’re on the road again. Between late October and early 2015 URBACT is holding Info-Days  in locations across the EU. It’s an opportunity for our participating cities to share some of the success stories from the current programme, now drawing to a close. And of course we’ll also be explaining how URBACT III is going […]

By Eddy Adams, on October 29th, 2014 at 16:01