Posts Tagged ‘Study visits’

Six URBACT „Golden Nuggets” For Successful Partner Visits

URBACT Projects include a lot of study visits, where partners from several cities travel to one network city to get a sense of the project’s context, local actors, successes and obstacles. What makes for a good partner’s study visits? Here are a few tips from the last project Kick-off meetings. 1. Increase Innovation Potential With […]

By Ivan Tosics, on March 14th, 2014 at 17:19

On board the Study Visit ‘Against Divided Cities in Europe’ : An insight into ‘The Albertslund Concept’!

On Wednesday 5th December, after the URBACT Annual Conference 2012 two-day meetings (3-4 December 2012), field Study Visits were organised for those who wished to get more insight into Copenhagen surroundings’ urban management. I hopped on board the study visit linked to the Against Divided Cities in Europe workshop, which would take me to Albertslund, […]

By Segolene Pruvot, on December 20th, 2012 at 20:23