Posts Tagged ‘Sustainable Cities’

Transport & Kampala – the first stop on an African journey

How do you transfer a tried and tested city-to-city cooperation method from one continent to another? How do you make the cities you’re working with more resilient and sustainable in the process? These are only some of the questions that ASToN, a network of 12 African cities using digital tools to overcome local and global […]

By Simina Lazar, on January 31st, 2020 at 16:23

Siena: civic engagement for a resilient city

In the face of adversity, Siena (IT) turned to new actors for its urban development. Elisa Filippi, National URBACT Point Italy says its citizens and the municipality stepped up, with projects including new community hub, regenerating the “Green Valleys” and turning Siena into one of the first carbon free provinces in Europe in 2013. Between […]

By Elisa Filippi, on August 14th, 2019 at 11:13

#Basque2016, What was it about ?

Try next time, before attending your upcoming conference, to predict the main message of the meeting. In most cases you will succeed: conferences on economy and innovation usually argue for the ’modernistic perspective’ in which technical novelties will dominate and solve all the problems. In a sharp contrast to that environmental conferences will present the […]

By Ivan Tosics, on May 27th, 2016 at 12:23

Rightsizing, City Sustainability and The Growth Dilemma

You’ve got to hand it to the Americans; they have a way with words. I was reminded of this last Friday during a conversation with a politician from Cleveland Ohio. This was at the Focus 2015 event hosted by the French Embassy in Washington which brought U.S. and French city mayors together in advance of […]

By Eddy Adams, on March 25th, 2015 at 17:58

Tweeting the City: 10 Twitter Accounts We Follow On Urban Issues

Twitter is a beloved place for exchanges on urban issues. Here is a (limited) list of accounts we particularly enjoy following, covering our interests – including but not limited to integrated urban development – in no particular order! @eumayors is the twitter account of a transnational network of cities mayors working toward sustainable cities. @energycities […]

By URBACT, on April 9th, 2014 at 17:10

Paradiso del Cibo (Food Paradise)

As kids, coming home from school, my sister and I used to have a joke: “If you can’t smell burning in the kitchen, then we’re having salad for dinner.” My Mother has many talents, but cooking isn’t one of them, so it was routine for us to see black smoke billowing out of the kitchen, […]

By Eddy Adams, on February 5th, 2014 at 13:08

Cities and Globalisation

This week the economist, Harvard professor and author of Triumph of the City, Ed Glaeser, gave a fast paced and inspiring lecture at the London School of Economics on cities and globalization. Many of his comments resonated with the experiences of European cities and knowledge from URBACT networks. His optimism about the positive effects of […]

By Sally Kneeshaw, on January 24th, 2014 at 16:46

Best Of URBACT Blog 2013

The URBACT Blog is a space for several contributors to share experiences on and insights in the diversity of issues they encounter in and around their activities in URBACT. Here is a selection of articles which we particularly enjoyed reading in 2013: Change and social Innovation, Shrinking Cities, Soft Mobility, Urban Struggles, Stakeholder’s involvement. There […]

By Eddy Adams, on January 21st, 2014 at 19:46

Cities in Action for Social Housing: Residents form central link in creating sustainable social housing

Many European cities are currently dealing with the question of how to make social housing more energy efficient and sustainable, without leading to skyrocketing costs. Cities in Action for Social housing (CASH) was an URBACT-network consisting of 11 European cities and regions, which focused on this important and complex challenge. It did not only look […]

By URBACT, on January 10th, 2014 at 19:19

Shrink Smart : A Challenge for Polish Cities

While the urban population is growing extremely fast in the world, some cities are shrinking dramatically, especially in Europe. It poses a series of problems in terms of liveability, sustainability and rehabilitation. Here the URBACT National Dissemination Point in Poland presents the case of two Polish cities – Bytom and Sosnowiec – that have explored solutions […]

By Segolene Pruvot, on February 20th, 2013 at 14:01