The URBACT MAPS (Military Assets as Public Spaces) project aims at enhancing former military heritage as key elements for sustainable urban strategies, combining both functional and social aspects. The goal of the project is reversing negative trends, highlighting the potentialities of this heritage, discussing, in broad circles, all potential uses. The Hungarian partner of the […]
Posts Tagged ‘sustainable’

Heritage of military sites in Szombathely (HU)

Urban DNA and the birth of Urban Acupuncture Therapy: Story from Murcia, Spain
A decade of citizen engagement in Murcia (Spain) Murcia, a city in southeast Spain, was awarded the URBACT Good Practice label for an urban regeneration and revitalisation project carried out in its Espiritu Santo neighbourhood, a peripheral and run-down area of Murcia. Murcia City Hall and all the people that were involved in this project, […]

Why we need the urban dimension in future EU Cohesion Policy
By Jonas Scholze, German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development, National URBACT Point for Germany and Austria The urban dimension in the European Union’s Structural Funds policy became an intrinsic part of EU Cohesion Policy over the past two decades. Today, approximately 15bn euros are reserved within the EU Structural Funds for integrated and […]
What’s Your Ideal City? #URBACTCity at the #EUopendays
What’s Your Ideal City? #URBACTCity at the #EUopendays After a tough competition between European Children for the #URBACT2013 Summer University in Dublin, URBACT launched at the occasion of the Open Days in Brussels a Twitter Campaign to know what people’s ideal city is! Tag Your Ideal City #URBACTcity – Twitter Campaign Now Open “Tag your […]