Posts Tagged ‘Trump’

Will American cities be trumped?

Democrats are being bullish about the future of cities under a Trump administration, but financial realities will soon bite.   In general, larger cities are more likely to vote Democrat than small towns and rural areas. Ivan Tosics’ article of 15th November showed that it was often the smaller urban areas that supported Trump. Indeed, […]

By Peter Ramsden, on December 20th, 2016 at 15:39

What lessons to learn from the US Presidential elections?

Cover image: Mark Makela/Getty Images Why is it important to write about the US elections on the URBACT blog? After all, the US is far away, the main topics of the presidential race have little European relevance and seemingly none at all for knowledge exchange programmes for cities, like URBACT. The two main (and fairly shocking) […]

By Ivan Tosics, on November 14th, 2016 at 17:11