Posts Tagged ‘URBACT Café’

#URBACTfest, Walking from Experience Towards Insight

After a very inspiring starting day and a merry cocktail party at the municipality in the evening (we had to sing in Latvian!), we met on thursday morning at the Conference Centre for the second day of the Festival. And it started well… After a networking coffee that provided a place to meet, to chat […]

By Jorge Toledo, on May 7th, 2015 at 22:07

Back from the URBACT Annual Conference in Liege

We have just returned from the URBACT Annual Conference, strengthened in our conviction that combining transnational discussions with the local impact that URBACT II develops is working better and better. We experienced a warm and effective welcome in Liege; discussions were rich and high in quality. Here, I will review the results of the URBACT […]

By URBACT, on December 14th, 2010 at 17:46