Posts Tagged ‘URBACT City Festival’

How interactive is your city?

Daniela Patti, Levente Polyak, Simone d’Antonio, Elisabetta Savino and Sabrina Bruzzone report on the festival’s Interactive Cities (IC) lab. The project is dedicated to finding out about how interactive European cities are and how they use social media tools to be interactive. The Interactive Cities Lab in Lisbon saw the participation of some of the […]

By Daniela Patti, on November 14th, 2018 at 20:32

People-powered services: big words versus reality?

The outcomes of the “European and US stories of CHANGE!” Breakout Session We often tend to speak about community engagement like a mantra, but it is indeed the core element of collaborative public policies. Before rejecting the idea to engage citizens into the service delivery, because it seems too hard, we need to think critically […]

By Ferenc Szigeti, on October 23rd, 2018 at 14:09

Want to improve your health? MAKE YOU ACTIVE with friends and neighbours!

Ana Resende remembers meeting Hugo Nunes in Riga in 2015 and his role in transforming Loulé (PT) thanks to the VITAL CITIES network. By making sports facilities accessible to all, Loulé is a pioneering city offering an active, fit lifestyle to all its population, thanks to regular events and an accessible infrastructure. Loulé met partners […]

By Ana Resende, on October 2nd, 2018 at 17:57

Best social media posts and best photos from 2018 #URBACTFest!

On 13 and 14 September 2018 URBACT City Festival took place in the wonderful city of Lisbon (PT). More than 500 participants, from 200 European cities gathered to celebrate the rising influence of cities as actors of change. URBACT also took the opportunity to celebrate the 15 years of the URBACT Programme! With this post […]

By URBACT, on September 21st, 2018 at 08:18

How “Love Your Block” unites local leaders and residents to revitalize neighborhoods

Hubert Humphrey once said, “The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor.” But what happens when those hands link to achieve shared civic goals? Does government become less impersonal, and do neighbors help more effectively? These are among the questions explored by the Cities of Service Love Your Block […]

By Mary Bogle, on August 28th, 2018 at 13:21

“I believe that this experience has given me a new insight on the European idea”

The URBACT City Festival was an experience that I will never forget. I guess many articles begin with such a common phrase, but allow me to explain my reasoning more thoroughly and maybe, just maybe, you may find something unique in my experiences. I attended the URBACT City Festival with no prior experience with the […]

By Lazaros Agapides, on December 28th, 2017 at 11:35