Posts Tagged ‘URBACT projects’

Eight Cities in a Kitchen!

How can one gather eight cities in a kitchen and what would they cook? This sounds as a bizarre question, but it is the starting point for the final product of the URBACT ESIMeC project, which focused on boosting sustainable economic growth in small and medium size cities. ESIMeC gathers eight European cities: Albacete and […]

By Segolene Pruvot, on October 30th, 2012 at 13:12

More about URBACT Infodays !

URBACT Infodays will take place in most European Union member or partner states between December and the end of January. Their aims are to draw lessons from past cities’ participation in URBACT in each country and to prepare the future by presenting the third Call for proposals for URBACT projects. on Monday 19th of December- […]

By URBACT, on December 21st, 2011 at 10:26