Posts Tagged ‘urban’

12 reads and listens for urbanists to enjoy this summer

If you have the chance to slow down and savour a good book this summer, have a look through our selection of 12 urban-themed reads and listens. With picks from URBACT’s Simina Lazar, Laura Colini, Ania Rok, Sally Kneeshaw, Ségolène Pruvot and Amy Labarrière, it’s an eclectic mix of titles with one thing in common: […]

By URBACT, on July 31st, 2019 at 16:24

Mapping Urban Alternatives collaboratively

Hana Grgić of Political Critique reveals how the Urban Alternatives online mapping cooperation came into being. Cities are the scene of resistance, innovation and alternatives: the place where social protests erupt and mutual cooperation unfolds, where street mobilisations and cultural creation and productive innovations emerge. The online map Urban Alternatives emerged from the cooperation between […]

By Hana Grgic, on April 11th, 2019 at 11:09

Land Take and Industrial Added Value: a Compass for the USEAct Project

To reduce land take and to develop the re-use of urban areas is an aim that can be achieved with adequate integration of many tools, both direct and indirect, at different levels. The frameworks of national legislation and regional planning can play important roles, giving guidelines and implementation regulations for the cities. Creating planning tools […]

By URBACT, on November 18th, 2013 at 16:28

Rural-Urban Partnerships: An Integrated Approach to Economic Development

Research and publications of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development  (OECD) are usually of high quality. Correspondingly, I had high expectations when arriving to Bologna to participate in the OECD 9th Rural Development Policy Conference  on Rural-Urban partnerships: an integrated approach to economic development.   No doubt, the topic is of high importance. European policies and funds […]

By Ivan Tosics, on November 12th, 2013 at 16:41

Budapest through the Eyes of the Homeless

While the parliament votes on a law containing restrictions on the homeless living in the street, the team of website went to a city walk to see how this policy would make the homeless people invisible. Lots of bars, jam-packed hostels, ruined huts, friendly policemen, inhuman laws – we had a conversation with the […]

By Mariann Majorné Venn, on November 4th, 2013 at 13:09

What’s Your Ideal City? #URBACTCity at the #EUopendays

What’s Your Ideal City? #URBACTCity at the #EUopendays After a tough competition between European Children for the #URBACT2013 Summer University in Dublin, URBACT launched at the occasion of the Open Days in Brussels a Twitter Campaign to know what people’s ideal city is! Tag Your Ideal City #URBACTcity – Twitter Campaign Now Open “Tag your […]

By Segolene Pruvot, on October 9th, 2013 at 23:54

Towards a New Deal for European Cohesion Policy

Towards a New Deal was the motto of this year’s XXIII Economic Forum in Krynica and a great deal of energy was around in those days. More than 2,500 guests – political, economic and social leaders – and 500 journalists visited the Forum from nearly 60 countries of Europe, Asia and America. The Forum was […]

By Antonio Borghi, on September 26th, 2013 at 18:44